15 Persuasive Essay Topics That Will Win Over Your Audience

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How do I choose the right persuasive essay topic?

In the realm of essay writing, the persuasive essay stands as a testament to one’s ability to sway opinions, influence minds, and articulate viewpoints compellingly. To achieve this, the essay topic itself becomes a critical tool, as it serves as the cornerstone upon which the entire essay is built. In this article, we present 15 persuasive essay topics that are sure to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impact. From the most current social issues to timeless debates, these topics will provide you with a solid foundation to craft a compelling and convincing essay.

Benefits of Increasing the Minimum Wage

The potential upside of raising the minimum wage is tremendous, and can be seen in various ways. From reducing poverty levels to lessening income disparities, it’s clear that there are many positive impacts that arise when increasing the minimum wage. This could lead to improved health and wellbeing among workers as well as increased job opportunities for those at the lower end of the economic scale. Moreover, a rise in wages would also mean greater financial security for individuals, allowing them to better provide for their families. Ultimately, there is much evidence suggesting that raising the minimum wage is beneficial not only for individuals but also society as a whole.

Should Schools Offer More Financial Aid?

The importance of higher education as a stepping stone to professional success and productivity is undeniable. However, the financial burden that often comes with it can be too much for many students to bear. To ease this strain, schools should explore providing more financial aid in order to make college tuition more affordable and accessible. This could come in the form of loans, discounts, grants, scholarships or other forms of assistance – all designed to ensure students get the resources they need for a successful career path. With increased access to funds, students will have greater opportunity for academic achievement without having to worry about their finances.

Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?

For decades, the death penalty has been a source of heated debate, with proponents arguing that it serves as an effective deterrent to crime and opponents asserting that it is a cruel violation of human rights. This dilemma presents an intriguing topic for persuasive essays – one in which there appears to be no right or wrong answer.
On one side, those against capital punishment point out that since the 1970s some people have been wrongfully executed due to faulty evidence and wrongful convictions. On the other hand, advocates contend that research suggests the death penalty has more power in deterring crime than alternative sentences such as life imprisonment, while also providing closure for victims’ families. The conversation continues without resolution – leaving us questioning what justice truly looks like.

15 Persuasive Essay Topics

15 Persuasive Essay Topics

Should Recreational Drugs Be Legalized?

The debate surrounding recreational drugs has been raging in recent years. From potential economic benefits to addiction and social problems, the issue is complex and emotions are running high. But when it comes to forming an opinion on legalization, considering all angles can be invaluable – enabling individuals to make a decision with which they feel comfortable. Although resolution may be hard to come by anytime soon, this perplexing topic provides a great opportunity for consideration and thought-provoking analysis.

Should Gun Ownership Be Restricted?

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution has been a rallying point for those who defend their right to bear arms, claiming that this ability is essential for self defense and protection of property from criminals. However, supporters of gun control have argued that firearms are often used in violent crimes and that stricter regulations on guns can lead to lower rates of violence. This has led to a highly charged debate over gun rights, with both sides passionate about their views and proposing compelling arguments – making it one of the most controversial topics today.

Is Social Media a Positive or Negative Influence?

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of life for all ages, prompting heated debates over its impact on society – is it a blessing or a curse? Proponents champion its convenience and reach, claiming that its vastness makes it an invaluable tool for high school students who wish to share their ideas and effect social change. Conversely, opponents point to the data which shows that reliance on social media can be correlated with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Ultimately though, the decision lies in the hands of individuals as to how they will use this platform and what affect it will have on them.

Should Animal Testing Be Banned?

The perplexing question of animal testing has been a source of much contention in the scientific community. On one hand, some argue that it is necessary for medical and cosmetic products to be tested safely; while on the other, many animal welfare activists contend that this practice is cruel and violates animal rights. This issue has reached new heights as students are actively searching for ways to abolish animal testing from labs. Computer-based experimentation and tissue donations have been suggested as ethical alternatives to such practices. As such, the decision whether or not to ban animal testing should not be taken lightly, as both perspectives must be considered carefully before any conclusion can be made.

Persuasive Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Topics

Should School Uniforms Be Required?

School uniforms: an ongoing debate that continues to perplex and burst with emotion. What are the benefits? Many say it can foster order, discipline, unity, and pride amongst students. It could also provide a more economical fashion solution. On the contrary, there are those who disagree; citing discomfort or restriction of expression as drawbacks. At the heart of this conflict lies children’s persuasive essay topics – one which evokes passion from parents, teachers and students alike! Supporters believe in its ability to cultivate a sense of belonging among peers while reducing pressure on costly trends. Regardless of stance taken by each side in this argumentative discourse – one thing is certain: school uniform debates will remain hot-button issues for years to come!

Should Video Games Be Regulated?

The ever-growing presence of violence and extreme content in modern video games has sparked an ongoing dialogue surrounding the regulation thereof. Some suggest that video games should be bounded by age limits, as well as subject to content ratings similar to those found in movies and TV shows. This would help protect younger children from being exposed to material not suitable for their age.

Furthermore, proponents of regulation are quick to note the potential repercussions associated with video game violence; studies have indicated that certain titles can trigger aggressive behaviour in players or hinder psychological development in kids — making it all the more imperative for such titles to be regulated.

Should Abortion Be Legal?

The question of abortion has perplexed mankind for years, with no clear answer in sight. It evokes a myriad of emotions and beliefs, ranging from the sanctity of life to the autonomy of women’s bodies. At its core lies an intricate debate about morality, woman’s rights, autonomy, and human rights – all topics that are difficult to broach without bursting into contentious conversation. The law remains undecided on whether it should be legal or illegal; thus leaving it up to society as a whole to address this complex issue.

Should the Legal Driving Age Be Lowered?

The legal driving age is a contentious issue, with pros and cons to consider. In the United States, it varies between 16 to 18 years depending on the state – but should it be lowered? While there may be some benefits in allowing teenagers greater independence and mobility, there are also risks involved if inexperienced drivers take to the roads too soon. Weighing up these opposing sides needs careful consideration before any decisions can be made.

Should Online Privacy Be Protected?

The exponential growth of the online world in recent years has made it a part of everyday life – from ordering groceries to managing finances. Consequently, safeguarding user privacy has become increasingly important as people spend more time leaving behind digital footprints that can be accessed by anyone. Therefore, there is an urgent need for measures to protect consumers’ online privacy and ensure user information is not abused. Companies should be held accountable for cyber security breaches resulting in misuse of sensitive data. Moreover, transparency standards must be enforced so users know who has access to their data and what purpose it serves; while at the same time users must be informed about potential risks posed by using the internet, as well as preventive steps they can take to secure their personal information. All these efforts are critical if we want to prevent identity theft, fraud or other malicious activities on the web which may lead to unprecedented levels of risk for its users.

Should the Internet Be Regulated?

The internet has become an intrinsic part of our lives, with countless people accessing its content regularly. As it continues to play a bigger role in our society, many believe that regulation is necessary for the protection and responsible use of the web. This could involve establishing rules that all users must abide by, including security measures such as encryption and authentication, limits on what can be accessed or published online, and monitoring activities to ensure legitimacy. Regulation would provide a safer experience for everyone while protecting them from malicious activities or harmful content.

Should Online Piracy Be Punished?

Online piracy is a perplexing issue: it involves the illegal distribution of copyrighted media, including movies, television shows, video games and software. Those who engage in such activities can face serious consequences that range from fines to criminal charges and even jail time. It is essential for people to become familiar with copyright laws so they understand the ramifications of breaking them—lest they find themselves embroiled in severe punishment for their actions.

Should Genetic Engineering Be Allowed?

Gene-editing technology is advancing at a rapid rate, creating vast possibilities for how it can be used – and raising ethical questions in its wake. From modifying plants and animals to potentially correcting genetic disorders in humans, this powerful tool could have huge implications for our environment. But there are also potential dangers: misuse of the technology could lead to weapons or dangerous organisms being produced, with serious consequences for both people and the planet. We must consider these risks alongside any potential benefits if we are to determine whether genetic engineering is ethically permissible.


In the world of persuasive essay writing, selecting a compelling and relevant topic is half the battle. The 15 persuasive essay topics presented here are thought-provoking, current, and filled with potential. By choosing one of these topics, you have the foundation to create a persuasive essay that not only wins over your audience but also fosters meaningful conversations. Remember that your essay’s success also hinges on your ability to articulate your thoughts, provide well-researched arguments, and engage your readers.

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